Pennsylvania Association for the Blind, Inc. (PAB) is dedicated to the delivery of high quality services to people with vision impairment. We are committed to deliver these services in an environment characterized by strict adherence to the highest standards of accountability. The PAB leadership is fully committed to the development of a formal program to ensure ongoing monitoring of, and compliance with, all legal and regulatory requirements. Further, PAB is committed to a program of corporate responsibility that emphasizes:
- Prevention of wrongdoing
- Immediate reporting to the board and investigation of questionable activities and practices without consequences to the reporting party
- Timely correction of any situation which puts the organization, its leadership, staff, funding sources, or clients at risk
- Continuous improvement
Pennsylvania Association for the Blind:
- Will act ethically in all of its financial transactions and investments
- Will not engage in dishonest marketing tactics or any falsification of its accomplishments of any kind
- Will meet all of its financial obligations
- Will maintain appropriate and effective checks and balances in all of its accounting and bookkeeping practices and activities
- May charge for its services and products, fees and prices which are reasonable, fair and equitable
Core Values:
Pennsylvania Association for the Blind values:
- High quality services
- Its staff members
- Its volunteer directors and its service volunteers
- Its ability to provide statewide services to a diverse population through its member agencies
- Financial stability that ensures our capacity to serve people well
- The positive reputation it enjoys in the communities where the organization provides services
- Being trustworthy to funders, member agencies, contractors, and those we serve, as well as its donors, referral and funding sources with whom we partner in fulfilling our mission
Code of Ethics:
It is the expectation of PAB that every board member, executive office staff and member agencies’ contracted staff will adhere to the PAB code of ethics, as well as the code of ethics of his or her particular discipline.
For the Board of Directors:
- To promote trustworthy relationships in every business transaction
- To treat everyone associated with PAB with respect
- To foster the mission of the PAB and the fulfillment of its goals
- To embrace a “whistle blower” policy
- To abide by the conflict of interest policy of the PAB
- To set policy for PAB and to monitor its implementation
- To abide by its legal responsibility as a board
- To uphold any decision made by the board of directors that is consistent with its bylaws
For Staff and Service Delivery Professionals:
- To provide only those services which fall within the scope of one’s expertise, competency and experience pursuant to state law, regulation, and PAB policy
- To preserve PAB’s resources and those of PAB’s customers and other stakeholders
- To provide services based on individual client needs and to make referrals that are appropriate to address those needs
- To tolerate no fraud
- To hold in confidence all client information
- To deal with all customers and clients honestly
- To respect the rights of its clients and treat them with dignity
- To neither discriminate against nor refuse services to anyone based on race, creed, national origin or ancestry, color, age, disability, marital status, sexual preference or gender
- To engage in no form of harassment or threatening behavior
- To disclose any breach of ethics to the appropriate level of administration (No reprisals will be meted out for reporting of violations of ethics codes.)
- To conduct oneself in an appropriate manner at all times
- To treat everyone associated with the organization with respect and dignity
- To commit to the provision of high quality service
- To maintain professional credentials, licenses, association memberships, certifications as required
Financial Responsibility
Management and General – $177,539 – 4%
Fundraising – $20,728 – 1%
For a copy of our past 990 forms, please visit GuideStar